1st Innovative short film festival
Women’s Empowerment – Live the change, change lives (WE – LCCL) is an international campaign to empower women through creative works. In particular, the campaign advocates for new creative approaches to addressing women’s empowerment. We invite filmmakers from around the world who want to work for gender equality to participate in our project, a campaign that will include an art exhibition, a book project and a matchmaking workshop. The innovative short film competition portion of the WE-LCCL [featuring films in three categories of short films, documentary and a special category of short films with run times of 90 seconds or less] will begin its activity in 2023 in Dortmund. We invite your participation.
A critical aspect of promoting gender equality in all areas of societal development is empowering women, focusing on identifying and redressing power imbalances and giving women more autonomy to shape their own lives. Gender equality and women’s empowerment means that access to opportunities and changes in life are neither dependent on nor limited by gender. To move towards the requisite gender equality in all areas of societal development, from human rights, peace and security, to economic growth, education and sustainability, women must be empowered. When women (accounting for half of the global population) are empowered, everyone benefits.
Our goal is to address women’s empowerment with art and culture makers from different perspectives. This is to contribute to human rights, peace and security, economic growth, poverty reduction, education, climate change and sustainability. When women are empowered, everyone benefits.
The theme of the film competition is women’s self-determination, which can lead to a big change in the lives of many women. From this contest, we hope to procure many examples of women’s self-determination, which has led to great change in women’s lives. This can be presented as examples of the advancement of women. Our platform will serve as an exchange platform for those interested in giving the successful changes in the lives of others an exemplary character, stories women from around the world can adapt for their own lives and cultures.
The competition is concerned about the fact that in most film competitions, most of the directors are men. As we are committed to gender equality, we hope that fully half of the directors in our competition will be women.
We want to fight more for the equality of women. Equality does not mean that men are excluded. But since the number of men is always more than women, we want to give women the chance to stand in equal distribution to men.
Our competition is a meeting point for filmmakers, a source of inspiration and new knowledge for experts, students and film lovers.